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HINF 301

Extended Pharmacy Model for Bains Pharmacy

Head pharmacist Teg Bains is looking for a new computer system for his pharmacy. Local regulations require him to upgrade from his paper based system to a digital system. He is neophyte in terms of computer prowess; however, he does posses knowledge of retail of pharmacy systems.

His business primarily involves dispensing prescriptions, monitoring patients, and maintaining the pharmacy inventory.

After an initial interview, you realize that he will also be hiring a clinical pharmacist to conduct clinics and interviews with select patient groups. He will need the computer to be able to create a medication profile that can store and track patient health and outcomes.

He wants to maintain one source of information for patients so his pharmacy technicians do not have to enter data more than once.

He also needs to have a rapid entry area for entering prescriptions and viewing existing prescriptions. Prescriptions need to maintain integrity in terms of permanence.

The pharmacy will supply samples of information that needs to be stored for each prescription, patient, medication, prescriber, supplier, and staff member.

Last modified: Sunday, 21 September 2003, 10:20 PM

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